Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Labor and Delivery story

I'm going to give an overview of what happened so I don't forget. I won't get graphic or anything but if you don't want to read about it, skip this post, pictures are below on the post before this.
We got to the hospital at about 6 am on Thursday, October 24. At about 7 am and they started me on the pitocin. Before we started I was dilated to a 2+, which I had been that same way for 2 weeks so I was very nervous that labor would be super long and slow. I was also very nervous when they started the pitocin. I had felt contractions before but not contractions that I knew would lead to the baby being born so that was very scary to me. Contractions started but they were pretty small which surprised me for some reason. I expected it to hit me like a ton of bricks or something since they were giving me pitocin but it didn't at all. We put on the newest Batman to help pass the time. At about 8:00 the doctor came in and broke my water. I didn't expect that to feel so weird either, it was like I was peeing my pants. Then every time I would move, more kept coming. The nurse came in to check me and she was shocked at how much fluid I had, it had soaked the towel and was dripping on the floor. Anyways, after they broke my water the contractions got a lot stronger. At about 9:00 I was at a three, then at about 10:30 I was at a four. At this point I'm thinking, oh my gosh this is going to be the longest day of my life. If it took that long to get two centimeters, I'm gonna be in labor forever! The contractions were super strong and the nurse had said I could get the epidural any time I wanted, but for some reason, I thought I'd be weak if I got it too soon. When she checked me at 10:30 I asked when people usually get it. She wouldn't answer but watched me through a contraction and told me she thinks I should have gotten it about an hour before. Well the anesthesiologist was putting someone out for surgery so he didn't get there til about 11:15. I stayed really calm during the contractions, but I'm not going to lie, in my head I was thinking, "Oh my gosh I can't take this anymore, where the heck is he!!!" Ryan was so good to talk me through them and help me stay relaxed as they came and just kept coming. By the time the anesthesiologist got there I didn't really have "down" times anymore between contractions. The pain never went away, just would get stronger for a bit. When I was scrunched over as he was working on my back Ryan was holding both my hands with his forehead on mine doing so good to keep me calm and still. When the dude was like "Okay I'm putting in the needle, do not move," I'm thinking, "How am I supposed to hold still through this pain!" But I guess I did enough because he got it in. Well right after he got it in I started to feel really super dizzy and lightheaded and my vision would come and go like I was going to pass out. I guess my blood pressure dropped to the floor due to the epidural so they gave me a shot of something to help it go back up and put me on oxygen. Eventually I stabilized and just had the shakes from the shot but I felt a lot better. It was a crazy feeling to know there was a contraction from the pressure, but not feel all the pain I was just feeling a couple minutes before. When all the chaos was over from the epidural the nurse checked me, which was at about 12:00 and I was at a 8+!! She was like, wow you shot right up there. The doctor came in at about 12:30 to go to lunch and I was at a 10. He said I should just try and relax for a bit then I could start pushing in an hour or so but most first time moms push for about 3 hours. I really tried to focus on relaxing through each contraction but it was hard to not push, almost painful to not push. At 1:00 the nurse came in and said that I could start pushing if I wanted or I could relax for a bit longer and let the baby come down on her own. I was like I am so ready to start pushing. I couldn't move my legs from the epidural (another super weird feeling) so her and Ryan helped me pull my legs towards me when I needed to and I pushed with each contraction for 3-10 second intervals. The doctor came in at about 2:00 if I remember right to get her delivered. At this point Ryan said he could see the top of her head so I was just hoping that she would come soon because I was getting very tired. Again my blood pressure dropped so I had to get on oxygen for a couple minutes but kept pushing with the contractions. (oh by the way with all the drops in my blood pressure, baby stayed consistent with her heart beat and all. She did so so good) At 2:26 little miss Paislee was born, so 7.5 hours in labor. Ryan cut the cord, which he swore he wouldn't do and then they laid her on my chest. She only let out one cry when she first came out and then just looked around and didn't make another peep. She just kept looking from me to Ryan, then searching for food :) We got to hold her for about a half hour then they weighed her (8 lbs 0 oz) and cleaned her up and gave her a couple shots. She didn't even cry with the shots just whimpered a little. I think she cried more with the bath than the shots, she did not like that nurse scrubbing her down. Anyways, she has brought so much to our family already, and I love her so much. It is super scary to think about taking care of her but I just hope that Ryan and I can raise her in a way that makes Heavenly Father happy.

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